We meet every Wednesday at 7PM at the Mauritius Gymkhana Club

RCPH Medical Vision Screening Project

To carry out vision screening of vulnerable children and providing spectacles through our sponsor.

The rationale of the Rotary Club of Phoenix (RCPH) Vision Screening Project was to carry out a vision screening of vulnerable persons like orphans, homeless children and elderly persons living in homes in collaboration with Rotaract Club of Phoenix and Standard Chartered Bank (Mauritius) Limited (SCB).

The SCB would subsequently provide the spectacles as recommended by the eye specialists. The abovementioned groups were approached through the respective NGOs. With their consent, a vision screening was organised. The vision screening was led by an eye specialist, a member of RCPH with the help of her colleagues.

Other volunteers were members of the RC Phoenix, Rotaract Club of Phoenix, family friends of RC Phoenix and staff of SCB. Project was conducted for the street children under the NGO SAFIRE.

Out of 150 children screened, 10 received spectacles and 2 were referred to the hospital for further treatments.

2013 – 2014